Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Update- A Thug's Redemption Trilogy and a NEW Erotica Novel

It's been a while since I sat down and did a blog post for my readers. I have been very busy penning two novels and working on two more. I have been to the Harlem Black Book Fair July 2013 and met New York Times Best Selling Author Wahida Clark and I have also been to Houston attending the National Black Book Festival, meeting National Best Selling Author, Carl Weber along with many other great authors. Though I will not be returning to the NBBF this year as an author, I will definitely be returning to the Harlem Black Book Festival. I wouldn't miss that for the world!
So, A Thug's Redemption has transformed into a trilogy with part 1 and part 2 making it onto Amazon's Best Seller's list! I was extremely excited to have accomplished that. For those who have not read the series, you are truly missing out on some serious non-stop action, suspense and drama from start to finish! Take a look inside to see how A Thug's Redemption 3: The Wrath of Andre starts off.

I recently did an early release of my first erotica novel on Amazon Kindle which can be purchased for a limited to for only .99 cents! The name of the novel is Obsessive Intimacies and it is HOT, HOT, HOT! Steamy, erotica and WILD sex scenes, very real and in your face drama that too many women can relate to when dealing with a cheating man. Already rated 5 stars, this novel is sure to soar straight to the top! Enter a chance to win this novel for free through Goodreads!

Goodreads Book Giveaway

Obsessive Intimacies by Yani

Obsessive Intimacies

by Yani

Giveaway ends February 07, 2014.

See the giveaway details at Goodreads.

Enter to win

Unfortunately I am under the weather at this time, but I will be posting photos from book signings, Harlem, Houston and blogging much more frequently. I will also be posting reviews for novels that I have been reading lately, some that were a MAJOR disappointment and some which were okay but not worth the hype, some that are completely UNDER rated and then the ones that were absolutely AWESOME! is down at the moment and I am strongly considering using a different domain. Once it is up and running, I will post that information so you can stop by and get your 1 click on to my awesome and amazing novels. For those who can't wait, my novels are on Amazon Kindle Nook, Google Play, iBook, Kobo, and Books a Millions. If you would like for me to come to your city to do a book signing, or would like for my books to be in a book store near you, send an email to letting me know of your nearby book stores.